GothicSluts: Emo Teen Pumpkin Carving Slumber Party


Blue Blood’s GothicSluts appears to have thrown the best Halloween slumber party ever. At least, I know this looks like a slumber party I would like to attend. Of course, they only took their clothes off because they needed to keep the pumpkin slime off of them. The insides of pumpkins can make a pretty big orange mess. I love that even mostly naked, the girls of GothicSluts still have so much style and fashion sense. I really like both of their little dreads and unusual stockings. Happy Halloween!

Blue Blood was also kind enough to throw a special bonus sample gallery form the set into our Halloween goody bag, so we’ll share that with you too.

GothicSluts: Emo Teen Pumpkin Carving Slumber Party
Blue Blood’s Gothic Sluts writes:

We had a really fun time carving pumpkins with sexy Shadow Cumbie and the adorable Miss Seamonster last week. By the end, there were pumpkin seeds all over the place, even though we decided to save our pumpkin pals from machete carnage. It was a bit like the White House pardoning a turkey. I’m happy nobody ended up cutting their fingers off too, as these gords were tough! Happy Halloween from all of us to all of you!
~Forrest Black

GothicSluts: Emo Teen Pumpkin Carving Slumber Party

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