Joanna Angel Went to MayhemFest


Joanna Angel always seems like she is having so much fun. Her sense of humor and playfulness is especially infectious in her video performances for BurningAngel. I also like seeing simple photo sets like this one where Joanna shows off her T-shirt from the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival. This tour includes Slipknot, Slayer, Anthrax, Motorhead, The Devil Wears Prada, As I Lay Dying, Asking Alexandria, Whitechapel, and many other masters of metal. I like the retro shredding on Joanna’s Mayhem shirt. I wonder if she did it herself or if they come like that. Although the makeup in this set could match better with the cute rock and roll outfit and Joanna’s fun personality, either way she wears it well. Joanna has MayhemFest panties as well, but you will have to join BurningAngel to get an up close peek at those. The Joanna Angel site is already a real gem, so it is quite the good deal that all that content comes free with a BurningAngel membership or vice-versa.

Joanna Angel Went to MayhemFest
Burning Angel writes:

Date Added: 07.05.12 Pics: 34 Views: 605 Rating: 10
In case you don’t read my blog (which you SHOULD read because it has some very important information on it, updated every day!), I went to Mayhem Fest last weekend, and it was AWESOME! Also, I snagged this T-shirt. Pretty rad.

Starring: Joanna Angel

Photographer: Kelly Lind

Categories: Hardcore

Joanna Angel Went to MayhemFest

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