Kinky Superna Enjoys Sex Slave Scar13


Whoah, this is one of the hottest sets I’ve seen in a while. BlueBlood just pusted a huge series of Scar13 and Superna together. It’s both beautiful and really really naughty sexual. Scar does Supernas makeup nude and then Superna ties Scar up and fucks her with half her makeup kit. My favorite shots are the lipstick kiss prints all over scars yummy looking girl parts at the end. This is what this stuff should be. Really hot girls that really are into being together, with or without camera’s in the room.

SpookyBlog writes:

This two part set is unbelievably sexy. Tattoo superstar Superna and Gothic cutie Scar13 start getting ready for a crazy night on the town but as soon as the flirty naked girls get done with their makeup, Superna decides to stay in and just have her fun dominating submissive Scar13. Pretty soon Scar is all bound up and bent over with roses in her mouth, hot ass in the air, and you’ve got to see how many different makeup brushes Superna slips inside slave Scar13’s amazing perfect pussy at once! Not to mention the spanking and kissing and licking… This set is really beautiful because you can really tell this kinky pair are so turned on by each other! Check out Scar13, you’re going to love it.

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