It doesn’t surprise me that Alt_Aussie goes where the sun goes. After all, what would rays do if the main star would move away? She is sunshine personified after all, so it makes perfect sense. That, or she’s a kitty. Either or works in this case.
What also works is the way she’s managing to work her hands into a lot of places to do a lot of teases. The way that she smiles, just does a little push over, a bend down or a shake is just perfection when it comes to just how well she’s able to show off all that goodness at once. And I for one welcome it.
More of Alt_Aussie, any time, any place!
Username: Alt_Aussie
Gender: Female
Body Type: Little in the middle
Eyes: Brown
Country: Australia
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Favorite Food: all the pasta I can get
Pets: Koa the greatest pooch on the planet!