Mao_me_meow is flashing a very cute smile and it draws me even deeper into her cam world as I see a big tentacle sitting right next to her.
She already looks so stunning in that outfit and the tentacle adds even more color to the show. It’s not here to capture her, instead she’s the one grabbing the tentacle with both hands and wrestling with it until the toy ends up in her mouth. What does a tentacle taste like? Delicious if all her moans and smiles are to be believed.
Mao_me_meow glides her tongue across that long tentacle so seductively, before putting it back on the table. That was all just a little sneak peek at what will happen later on in the show.
Real Name: Sasha
Followers: 9235
Birth Date: June 11, 1998
Age: 26
I Am: A Woman