BabyZelda Gets Some Machine-powered Pleasure


BabyZelda is cosplaying as a gorgeous schoolgirl who’s also accessorizing with little bat red wings on her hair that make her look even cuter, and she has already started to remove some bits of the costume so her tits are out in the open for the playtime she’s got in mind.

There’s a ready dildo attached to a machine, and BabyZelda spreads her legs in front of it, welcoming that dildo inside her naked pussy as the machine comes alive, and she even accompanies the pleasure from that device with a second toy that tends to her clit while the thrusting continues.

BabyZelda’s Profile:

Name: BabyZelda
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Various
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Blue
Age: 29
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Entrepreneur / Indie Game Artist
School/College: dropped out of Space Camp
Favorite Food: Sushi, Lobster, Ramen, Curry, I love food!
Pets: I have 4 birdies ~ Metroid (BCC), Samus (Indian Ringneck), Chozo (African Grey), & baby Cockatoo

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