LexaLuv Dives Into Helldivers


I didn’t know Helldivers could be this dark but I suppose going on weird alien planets and making sure to take down hordes of enemies makes it so that all kinds of environments pop up—even if all of them happen to be covered in a desert at all times. But it’s not stopping LexaLuv from being a fantastic shot.

I’m still so impressed at her reaction time and just how well she does in shooting her shot. I’m also even more impressed at just how excited she is to be going through all of these enemies as though she’s not absolutely incredible in getting through a lot of them without an issue.

More gaming with LexaLuv is always a good idea!

LexaLuv Dives Into Helldivers

LexaLuv Dives Into Helldivers

LexaLuv Dives Into Helldivers

LexaLuv Dives Into Helldivers

LexaLuv writes:

Heya I’m Lexa. I am a fun loving girl who won’t take shit, so don’t try and give it. I have been camming for 4 years in August I love it very much, I don’t see myself doing anything else.

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