Evangelyne1 Springs To Life As Emperor Zurg


Buzz Lightyear might be the toy that everyone in the Toy Story universe wants, but I was always far more interested in the villain of the series – Emperor Zurg. That toy always looked so much cooler and that’s why I am especially excited to see Zurg spring to life in front of Evangelyne1’s camera.

She has done such a fantastic job with taking all the elements of the toy design and turning them into actual pieces of clothing. The purple head is now purple hair, that glowing smile now painted on her lips, her eyes as red as the character’s, a cape as long behind her back and the metal body turned into soft fabric. She even has the toy gun Zurg carries!

Buzz Lightyear better stay away! This show is all about Zurg and Evangelyne1 is the perfect cosplayer to bring this iconic toy to life.

Evangelyne1 Springs To Life As Emperor Zurg

Evangelyne1 Springs To Life As Emperor Zurg

Evangelyne1 Springs To Life As Emperor Zurg

Evangelyne1 Springs To Life As Emperor Zurg

Evangelyne1 writes:

Real Name: Evangelyne
Birth Date: May 4, 2000
Age: 24
I Am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: In your dreams
Body Type: DELGADO
Body Decorations: TATTOO Y AROS

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