Sinomin Did Not Make The Suit Green


I suppose it’s better than going for Green Lantern (it’s definitely better than going for Green Lantern) because who doesn’t love a good Deadpool? And who doesn’t love Sinomin doing Deadpool in a full body paint? The possibilities are endless in this case.

She’s gotten pretty much most details down in the outfit from what I can tell, though I do appreciate her doing the full suit in the right shades of color because it does take extreme skill to do just that. I’m also loving the pigtails—maybe this is just Ladypool from a different universe coming back. Or maybe this is one of those time travelling experiences. Or maybe a new one?

Time to make some chimi-fuckin’-changas, Sinomin!

Sinomin Did Not Make The Suit Green

Sinomin Did Not Make The Suit Green

Sinomin Did Not Make The Suit Green

Sinomin Did Not Make The Suit Green

Sinomin writes:

Pure Sin. Cosplaying Brat. Succubus. Internet Dominatrix for a decade.

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