Kittycamtime Plays Fortnite


Fortnite and Kittycamtime very much go well together, but I do love how much time she spends looking for the right cosmetic because honestly, same. Nobody can slay if they don’t look absolutely fantastic and I appreciate the amount of time she needs in choosing just the right outfit.

It seems a gaming session is in order as of today for her. There’s something about the weekends and video games that just hits different, so seeing her plow through in duo mode is very good. A defensive fighter and with a lot of good accessories and potions on hand just in case, I gather she’s very tactical by the gameplay of it all.

I am so here for Kittycamtime and more Fortnite!

Kittycamtime Plays Fortnite

Kittycamtime Plays Fortnite

Kittycamtime Plays Fortnite

Kittycamtime Plays Fortnite

Kittycamtime writes:

ur favorite kitten

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