A Wild BabyZelda Appears


Pikachu seems to have been out and about lately because BabyZelda is looking quite excited and ecstatic in how she goes about a lot of her play time by the looks of it.

It looks like she’s gotten a new motion camera too, so now the dance moves are going to go into full swing with the angles that she can do. It’s a whole earthquake of movement when she decides to use arms, legs, head, hands—all of it in quick succession, so much so that it’s a whole party on her own too.

My Poké Dex is going wild and so is BabyZelda—in all her Pikachu form!

A Wild BabyZelda Appears

A Wild BabyZelda Appears

A Wild BabyZelda Appears

A Wild BabyZelda Appears

BabyZelda writes:

Name: BabyZelda
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Various
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Blue
Age: 25

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