LexaLuv Has A Foxy New Look


I love just how fluffy LexaLuv wants to be no matter the occasion. Even more so when she decides to put on the foxy outfits she has readied up, even if they do come with a butt plug (which is honestly better).

I also really enjoy the fact that her tail actually matches her hair. The blues and the greens all kind of work together to make this seamless transition into what looks to be some sort of black cat too. The accessories she has leads me to believe it’s more of an ancient Egyptian kind of kitty but I am loving the little teases in it regardless. A foxy cat? A kittenish fox? That is the question.

Either way, LexaLuv looks incredible!

LexaLuv Has A Foxy New Look

LexaLuv Has A Foxy New Look

LexaLuv Has A Foxy New Look

LexaLuv Has A Foxy New Look

LexaLuv writes:

Heya I’m Lexa. I am a fun loving girl who won’t take shit, so don’t try and give it. I have been camming for 4 years in August I love it very much, I don’t see myself doing anything else.

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