Helldivers 2 With LexaLuv


Honestly, LexaLuv just keeps making me want to play more Helldivers any time I see her play because it just looks so fun. Then again, she is a pro at most games (shooters to be specific) so maybe she’s just making things look easy when they’re not that simple.

Either way, alien planet, aliens to shoot, aliens to plow through and maybe going around a big desert to find more aliens to get rid of sounds right up my alley. I like how effortless the game is for her in every way imaginable, and she does seem to be having quite a lot of fun with this whole thing.

I too am having fun and would like to see more of LexaLuv!

Helldivers 2 With LexaLuv

Helldivers 2 With LexaLuv

Helldivers 2 With LexaLuv

Helldivers 2 With LexaLuv

LexaLuv writes:

Heya I’m Lexa. I am a fun loving girl who won’t take shit, so don’t try and give it. I have been camming for 4 years in August I love it very much, I don’t see myself doing anything else.

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