Battleshots With EveeMinx


Battleshots is just like the Battleship, except a lot better because it involves drinking and who doesn’t love that? EveeMinx‘s version also includes getting naked and getting some hearts, which is already an improvement in my eyes.

Something I also quite appreciate about it all is the fact that she’s just so incredibly quirky and funny from the get-go. Even if those ships hit, all that counts down to is that she gets naked, which I would say is as much of a win-win of a game as can happen in the first place.

It’s very good to hang out with EveeMinx – she’s quite the treat!

Battleshots With EveeMinx

Battleshots With EveeMinx

Battleshots With EveeMinx

Battleshots With EveeMinx

EveeMinx writes:

Things get a little silly in my room because I like to laugh and have fun 😛 Most of my regulars are the same way, so sexy chillness is totally assured! I have made every effort to cultivate a cozy, little corner of the internet where everybody is free to be themselves without judgement. You will always find a friend here!

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