A Wild BabyZelda Appears


It seems that my Pokédex is vibrating immensely. I do believe there seems to be a Pokémon afoot and I was correct – said Pokémon is actually BabyZelda and she has come in the form of a Pikachu today.

I do like her shows because there’s always something thematic going on. Even when there’s a lot of play time, there’s a character or a concept behind that just adds so much character to what she does – which is to say, a lot of dancing and teasing altogether.

The good news is that BabyZelda is about to begin her descent into a full blown cumshow tease!

A Wild BabyZelda Appears

A Wild BabyZelda Appears

A Wild BabyZelda Appears

A Wild BabyZelda Appears

BabyZelda writes:

Name: BabyZelda
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Various
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Blue
Age: 25

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