MetArt: Rosalind Peppy by Koenart


Give me an R! Give me an O! Add SALIND and you spell ROSALIND! That’s my way of cheering on how stunning Rosalind throughout this MetArt gallery.

She looks so adorable with her red miniskirt and those pompoms. The shots do a great job of showing off just how talented of a cheerleader she really is with each pose being sexier and naughtier than the last one. She doesn’t even need the rest of the cheerleading squad here, her body and beauty are enough to keep me hooked and waiting to see each new shot.

Rosalind ends up throwing her clothes off while continuing to pose with her pompoms and I love the mixture of cute and naughty that can be seen on all of these photos. A cheerleader is supposed to spread cheer and this MetArt gallery has definitely cheered me up.

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