Cubbixoxo’s Barbie Comes With Fisting Accessories


Some Barbies come with a new dress, a potential change of clothes or maybe a small bag that can be exchanged every once in a while. Cubbixoxo is different. She is everything. And comes with fisting props.

A dildo—a very pink dildo in one and Ken’s arm in the other and there’s nothing that this Barbie cannot do. I don’t think he is kenough, just on account of the fact that he may just have some missing limbs that she’s using for spanks or teases.

On Cubbixoxo‘s question of “Would you get this Barbie?” the answer is: yes. Very much so.

Cubbixoxo’s Barbie Comes With Fisting Accessories

Cubbixoxo’s Barbie Comes With Fisting Accessories

Cubbixoxo’s Barbie Comes With Fisting Accessories

Cubbixoxo’s Barbie Comes With Fisting Accessories

Cubbixoxo’s Barbie Comes With Fisting Accessories

Cubbixoxo writes:

Comedian | Highly Sarcastic

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