CosplayErotica: Vickie Brown Tastes The Murmurs Of Pleasure


In the game, Senua’s always hearing voices, faded whispers. It creates this fantasy where I imagine she needs to choose whether to obey, to ignore, to surrender to them all or continue to resist, and a swift decision seems to come: she’ll listen but to one of those soft murmurs, the one that speaks of sweeter nothings in her ear, and she takes off all her clothes, according to its wishes, showing not the warrior, but the temptress, and all the might within comes out, and bravado turns to arousal and CosplayErotica fun, and she arms herself, not with a sword anymore, but with a dildo so that all intentions turn to pleasure and Vickie Brown follows them like treasure.

Senua, from the game Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. This is the naughty Viking girl that Vickie Brown cosplays as, and through her portrayal, Senua’s driven to the naughty, and her quest is now about desire as she becomes an erotic soul laid bare in a re-defined affair with the gods of lust, if they’re out there. An offering, a feast, a ritual of bliss unhinged.

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