What A Fluffy, Cute Friend Cynpai Has


I have to say, I have heard a lot of unique pet names in my life, but what I have yet to heard is an entire psychological experiment that’s been made into a name, which is to say, Cynpai has some really rad ideas when it comes to naming things because her kitty is named Rorsarch. Yes, after the projective psychological test that everyone has seen on a Youtube video at 3am at least once in their life.

She does have the patterns for it in the black and white fur, but she’s also absolutely adorable. Someone else who’s adorable is Cynpai, even though the stream is less than, in fact, the stream is very much the opposite of that since she does have a dildo and vibrator at the ready to play with at any point.

Cynpai is looking gorgeous and feeling playful!

What A Fluffy, Cute Friend Cynpai Has

What A Fluffy, Cute Friend Cynpai Has

What A Fluffy, Cute Friend Cynpai Has

What A Fluffy, Cute Friend Cynpai Has

Cynpai writes:

Hey boys my name is Cyn

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