Gaming Night With LexaLuv


Gaming night is a busy night when it comes to LexaLuv because she really does love a set few video games that she can play with her audience, and I was so happy to see her get into her Harley Quinn body and go out shootin’ in Fortnite.

It’s actually impressive to see just how much love she has for the game and how easy it is for her to go from chatting mode to full on gamer mode as the minutes roll by and the storm clears. But Fortnite is not all that’s happening for tonight – Nintendo is getting some love in the form of Mario Kart where I’m sure she’s aiming to take the crown as well.

LexaLuv plus video games equals a really good time!

Gaming Night With LexaLuv

Gaming Night With LexaLuv

Gaming Night With LexaLuv

LexaLuv writes:

Heya I’m Lexa. I am a fun loving girl who won’t take shit, so don’t try and give it. I have been camming for 4 years in August I love it very much, I don’t see myself doing anything else.

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