BodyInMind: Nаstіyа Lυnаr Tide


The beach lends itself perfectly as a setting for sensuality in this BodyInMind set. Nastiya is already there waiting for us, enjoying the feel of her pashmina against her skin as it, like her lovely hair, flutters in the cool breeze.

Bathing suits are optional for this one, or rather, not needed for all the sweet sights and sensations she wants to show us in this lovely place that creates an almost spiritual connection with the environment as the air caresses her skin and the sunlight kisses her all over.

All that’s left in this picture-perfect setting is for us to let go, join in on the fun, and let her lead us through this blissful place of calm and pleasure.

BodyInMind Writes:

Every religion has its story about the end of the world, each describing man’s depravity, his abandonment of values and the resulting self-destruction of human civilization on an apocolyptic scale. What they don’t say is that female beauty can save us. Female beauty is the natural representation of human values, and moral men are naturally attracted to it. Over millienia this sexual selectivity created Pamela Anderson from a cavewoman. Without female beauty mankind will lose its way. ‘Pursue values or perish’ is nature’s commandment to mankind. But the religions of the world tell us to do the opposite – to sacrifice values. To save the world? No. They simply tell us to sacrifice until the world inevitably ends. So who are you going to believe about the kind of values required for human survival? Nature and beautiful women? Or an ancient book written by someone who can’t wait for the world to end?

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