BraisleeAdams Harnesses The Power Of Poi In The Dark


The wonders of the world are simple and they can be very enticing if done right. BraisleeAdams is doing just that, a very simple dance that involves a whole lot of teasing, but the slow and deliberate movements that she’s doing are just enough to hit the spot when watching her.

She’s like a swan sailing through the water, there’s a certain gentleness and ease at which she moves that just gives her this aura of pure seduction. The way she moves the poi is impressive, but even more so her ability to look stark into the lens and just invite in anyone that’s looking.

The beauty and grace of a good dance can never be understated and BraisleeAdams is really bringing out the most seduction!

BraisleeAdams Harnesses The Power Of Poi In The Dark

BraisleeAdams Harnesses The Power Of Poi In The Dark

BraisleeAdams Harnesses The Power Of Poi In The Dark

BraisleeAdams Harnesses The Power Of Poi In The Dark

BraisleeAdams writes:

Where do you live? I’m originally from Louisiana, but I no longer live there. Stick around a bit and you’ll probably pickup on the accent! I’m still currently living in the south, but that’s a s much as I’m willing to tell.
What are those tattoos? They’re not New England Patriot logos! They’re shooting starts. I plan to change them a bit in the future!

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