I don’t know how to feel with LexaLuv‘s giant panda head on. It’s kind of unnerving in a horror murder movie type of way, but the fact that she is wearing it also makes it look sexy, especially with that pair of lingerie on her – and it also works as being very cute at the same time.
Either way, she’s having a dance off session. And she is doing it in a splendidly sexy manner, pushing her legs up, roaming her hands all across her body, making some sexy sounds every once in a while, all while that giant head bops up and down. It’s kind of like a video game character choosing menu screen which is amazing.
I do wonder what panda LexaLuv will do next!
Heya I’m Lexa. I am a fun loving girl who won’t take shit, so don’t try and give it. I have been camming for 4 years in August I love it very much, I don’t see myself doing anything else.