MissMao Shares Some Plushie Cuddles


It looks like MissMao is up for some late night cuddles, seeing as they are the best of the best. And she has a very special partner to do just that with, an octopus plushie that she seems to really be loving – and one that matches the blue streak in her hair as well.

I love the overall blue theme of the place even though it’s anything but that in mood. There’s nothing cuter than hearing MissMao‘s adorable laugh each time she giggles and plays about, and that very special photoshoot she took with Octopus is truly out of this world cute. She really knows how to brighten up a room no matter where!

Between the cuteness and the nakedness, MissMao‘s show has the best of both worlds!

MissMao Shares Some Plushie Cuddles

MissMao Shares Some Plushie Cuddles

MissMao Shares Some Plushie Cuddles

MissMao Shares Some Plushie Cuddles

MissMao Shares Some Plushie Cuddles

MissMao writes:

Spaced Out Cutie on MFC

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