ElouisePlease Is Inclined To Tease


My, my, on a scale of one to ten, having to enter a room just as ElouisePlease sets up the camera so that it sits neatly between her legs so she can push her fingers for a pussy tease would rank a solid ten. Right next to “a moment of peace for my bum” as she lines up to do 100 spanks on it.

The sunshine in human form that is ElouisePlease has decided to grace the afternoon with a delicious showcasing of her curves, her toys and her desire to orgasm. She also has a fuck machine that needs repairing so she can do a cumshow with it which is something I’m looking forward to.

Another thing I’m certainly looking forward to is seeing ElouisePlease clear that naked goal and get to cumming!

ElouisePlease Is Inclined To Tease

ElouisePlease Is Inclined To Tease

ElouisePlease Is Inclined To Tease

ElouisePlease Is Inclined To Tease

ElouisePlease Is Inclined To Tease

ElouisePlease writes:

Boob size = 30gg
Left handed
I love cooking and I’m a huge foodie
I have a peacock tattooed on my back
I have two dogs – a pug and a chihuhua
I live In Yorkshire, England
My favourite colour is purple
Top 3 films: Jurassic Park, Matrix, Pulp Fiction
I collect lingerie and bottles of bourbon whiskey
I love swimming and mountain biking
Perfect date = sushi and drinks
Currently playing Zelda on my nintendo switch

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