It seems that Senrii has found themselves in the middle of a conundrum. For this proud mother of one bearded dragon by the name of Haku, and giver of confused boners is in the middle of giving themselves close to 100 spanks, all distributed between their ass and clit – and the torture is seemingly never-ending.
Behind them stands one tall figure with a pair of wings that Senrii has crafted themselves seeing as they are quite the cosplay and tailoring magician. Of course, the attention is all on the babe who happens to be cursing the life out of anything for the torture they are enduring – on top of the vibrations coming from the pink device in their hand.
Between the cummies and naked goal, Senrii is a dream tease!
It’s a pleasure meeting you. Call me Sen. Here are somethings to know about me~ I’m enby, and enjoy many hobbies including cosplay and gunpla. In my free time I play roleplay and tabletop games. Catch me on twitter or discord if you care to follow any projects.