AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More


The beautiful Penny Archer is sitting down with SexyInked to talk about her tattoos, life and anything else at a gorgeous set that looks like a tattoo shop. Maybe it is a tattoo shop.

The babe talks about how she got into the industry and how much she enjoys it as the topic quickly turns to how her entire body is covered in tattoos. She got her first one when she was 16 and has been around tattoo shops her entire life. I love the way she tells her stories and the cute smile and laughter she lets out as she remembers certain things.

Of course the full interview contains much more, including funny stories that have to do with Penny Archer‘s career and where she would like to get tattooed and where not. I don’t want to spoil it all, instead I recommend the whole scene be checked out over at AltErotic.

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

AltErotic: Penny Archer Talks Tattoos And More

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Penny Archer Interview

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