I see Arwen_Datnoid lying around on top of her soft looking floor as she plays around with one of her kitty cats. Another one soon pops out to make the show even more adorable!
She grabs one of her cute kittens between her hands and gives it a cuddle and some kissed. It’s all so adorable that I just want to go „aww“ over and over again. The kitty is soon leaping down and on its own way, but another one joins in to get some attention as the cutie continues spending time with her adorable friends.
Arwen_Datnoid says the only thing she doesn’t want them to play around with is that doll and thankfully they don’t seem too interested at the moment. They are just here for some cute cuddles!
Hello, welcome to my profile~
So, I am a huge pet person, I currently have 3 hairless cats, a pig, a tortoise, a gecko, a snake, 3 quail and 47 tarantulas! Yes, 47, that wasn’t a typo, I love my fur babies!
I play a heck ton of games so.. It’s hard to answer questions like “how many games have you played” or “What’s your favorite game?” I honestly have no clue, I just love games!
More of my hobbies include cooking, gardening, cooking, eating food and cooking for other people. I have been called a kitchen witch and I stand by that.
Feel free to come chill in my room
We are the best kind of okay.