BarleyEvil: Natalie Addams Sexy Cyber-Noir Set


Can we please just talk about how sexy Natalie Addams is? I mean, I’m going through this set and everything about it is sexy. From the purple hair to the corset and the thigh high boots. Oh and the gas mask. That’s right, even the gas mask adds sex appeal in this set! This cyber-noir themed set is just a blast to go through. Natalie Addams pulls it off without even seeming to try and although there is a lot of dark colors in this, the pops of color added really just makes it all the better. With her purple hair, bright eyes and equally bright eyeshadow, and her dark lipstick along with her choice in clothing (and footwear that I am drooling over!) Natalie Addams looks like the kind of bad ass lady I’d want on my side if there is ever an apocalypse. So basically now.

Blue Blood’s BarelyEvil writes:

Amelia wrote a funny anecdote about talking to Natalie about which designer she got the cool sexy gasmask from and then finding out that it was a fairly standard chemical mask, but I can’t seem to find that right now, and I didn’t want anyone to have to wait on getting to see this hot sort of cyber-noir themed series Amelia and I shot with Natalie Addams. ~Forrest


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