ElouisePlease Spreads Some Festive Joy… Among Other Things


ElouisePlease wishes everyone a merry Christmas as she rocks royal blue. Most things are her color and I love when she adds a cool shade to her gorgeous collection of lingerie. There are plenty of things to be merry about if one visits ElouisePlease‘S room. Most of all the babe herself that is just aiming to please at all times.

While her getting those boobs released from their confines is just the hottest thing in the world, her sliding those panties to the side so she can reach in and have some finger fun is even hotter somehow. The festivities continue once the busty brunette takes a dildo into her mouth for a little blowjob tease and the eye contact perfection on ElouisePlease is just impeccable. But wait, there’s more! There’s always more when it comes to the fabulous ElouisePlease!

ElouisePlease Spreads Some Festive Joy... Among Other Things

ElouisePlease writes:

Boob size = 30gg
Left handed
I love cooking and I’m a huge foodie
I have a peacock tattooed on my back
I have two dogs – a pug and a chihuhua
I live In Yorkshire, England
My favourite colour is purple
Top 3 films: Jurassic Park, Matrix, Pulp Fiction
I collect lingerie and bottles of bourbon whiskey
I love swimming and mountain biking
Perfect date = sushi and drinks
Currently playing Zelda on my nintendo switch
My favourite part about camming is talking to people and having fun
I love travelling and my favourite place I’ve been to so far is Japan
Every time I travel somewhere new, I try to find a local cookery class
I stream on MFC every day Monday – Saturday
I’m very friendly, feel free to ask me questions and get to know me

ElouisePlease Spreads Some Festive Joy... Among Other Things

ElouisePlease Spreads Some Festive Joy... Among Other Things

ElouisePlease Spreads Some Festive Joy... Among Other Things

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