Blue-Haired Babe ROXYCAT Shows Off Her Horns


Woah! I have to compose myself here, because ROXYCAT has arrived online and she looks so sexy and stunning that I almost just fell out of my seat!

Her ruby red lips send kisses towards the camera as a bright blue wig covers her head and lights up the entire room. My blues disappear instantly the moment I see her and the smile on my face only continues to grow bigger as I look up and see two big, demonic horns coming out of her hair. WOW!

The rest of her outfit is just as good – sexy black lingerie that shows off her amazing curves as she twirls around and grabs her perky booty. This is one look I won’t soon forget and thankfully ROXYCAT is here to stay and put on quite the show!

Blue-Haired Babe ROXYCAT Shows Off Her Horns

Blue-Haired Babe ROXYCAT Shows Off Her Horns

Blue-Haired Babe ROXYCAT Shows Off Her Horns

Blue-Haired Babe ROXYCAT Shows Off Her Horns

ROXYCAT writes:

Really tiny, odd, crazy and funny girl who doesn’t like to wear panties. Cute but lewd. Innocent but naughty. Sometimes silly, sometimes loud lol! I love to make new friends so don’t be shy to say HI in my chatroom :3 All your attention means a lot to me! Let’s hangout and do all the shenanigans together!

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