ZiaFox’s Angelic Torture Treat


Join ZiaFox in this hot show where she is all ready to go with her black lace outfit, sans panties, of course, so her fuck machine can work its magic on her tender clit, and since this is a torture show, we get to actively participate on how strong her pleasure becomes, making the vibrations from her machine increase, decrease, or stop altogether to make her ecstasy build up for longer.

What’s amazing of this particular show is that ZiaFox is constantly smiling while she continues to tease us with the extra activities that she’s got planned for this erotic machine event. These things bring fun stuff like ZiaFox putting on a ball-gag that lightly muffles her moans while she feels the power of her machine, her punishing herself with some paddle spanks on her thighs, which she administers while still feeling the machine please her clit, and even the addition of nipple clamps, which cause her to lose the top part of her outfit so she can tease us with the view of her tits in this torture treat where we can revel in ZiaFox’s beauty while she plays on a brightly-lit background that makes this whole scene seem like we are admiring an angel masturbating in heaven.

ZiaFox’s Angelic Torture Treat

ZiaFox’s Angelic Torture Treat

ZiaFox Writes:
Hi I’m Zia! I’m a 24 year old butthead who loves to be nakey and have fun online! I wear my heart on my sleeve and care deeply for my friends and my chatroom. I’m always happy to meet new people so please don’t be afraid to say hi: we’re a friendly goofy bunch! You will probably catch us deep in silly shenanigans!

ZiaFox’s Angelic Torture Treat

ZiaFox’s Angelic Torture Treat

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