Zishy: Capturing Wanda’s Light


The art of the photographer consists in making choices. Some of these are technical (like shutter speed and ISO) while others are artistic (like composition and perspective), but the end result can always be boiled down to a fundamental essence: the photographer captures the light in the scene to achieve a specific effect in the viewer.

Wanda Ablee is a beautiful redhead, but it’s not sufficient to aim the camera at her and snap to achieve a beautiful picture. Zishy here captures her in a brightly lit environment, while she is relaxed, providing an atmosphere of familiarity, as a lover preparing herself for the day after a night together. By carefully choosing the right light, moment and frame, Zishy brings up the sensuality of this great model with the warm eroticism of a white morning.

Zishy writes:

You might think I am redundant as an artist. I think I am redundant as an artist. I am more of an addict than an artist. I am addicted to the drugs these women fill my brain with. I am addicted to these experiences.

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