BabyZelda Wishes Everyone A Happy St. Paddy’s Day From Hyrule


Edit: Strangely, a writer (who no longer works here, so we can’t ask why he didn’t post it then) wrote this post about BabyZelda last St. Patrick’s Day. She is still streaming and we still love her, so we are going to post it now, just because. Even though, with coronavirus, none of the running around outside singing and drinking is applicable this year

Today is the day to enjoy a cold pint with a good Irish whiskey while donning some green apparel as the old carols proclaim though I might be mixing up my holidays.

Nonetheless, the festivities of today have made there way all the way out to Hyrule as this gorgeous, geeky gal can attest to as she got in the holiday spirit with the perfect outfit for the day.

As BabyZelda took to showing off the proper way to celebrate the holiday on her side of the multiverse, things started to heat up rather quickly, in fact quicker than a person could say “Kiss Me, I’m Hylian!”

To enjoy the Hylian way of celebrating today, head over to this lovely lass’ page and show some love.BabyZelda Wishes Everyone A Happy St. Paddy's Day From Hyrule BabyZelda Wishes Everyone A Happy St. Paddy's Day From Hyrule BabyZelda Wishes Everyone A Happy St. Paddy's Day From Hyrule BabyZelda Wishes Everyone A Happy St. Paddy's Day From Hyrule BabyZelda Wishes Everyone A Happy St. Paddy's Day From HyruleBabyZelda writes:

“When I’m not on MFC, I spend most of my free time animating
pixel art
 for my dream indie game that I will release sometime in the
nearish future!”

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