Stand At Attention While Chilicheesebite Is On Deck


Officer on deck!

It’s time to stand straight up and show a bit of respect for a sexy soldier with a knack for making the enemy get down on their knees to pray for, well, to pray for a chance to be taken prisoner by the lovely lady herself.

So, while it might be cause for celebration to have such a decorated darling joining the ranks, there is no excuse for a lack of decor. So bust out those weapons and make sure they’ve been polished from top to bottom, then polish them again!

After polishing, then it’s time to run some drills with Chilicheesebite at the helm, leading the (dis)charge.

It’s not too late to enlist, so drop by her page and give a follow.Stand At Attention While Chilicheesebite Is On DeckStand At Attention While Chilicheesebite Is On DeckFrom Chilicheesebite‘s profile:

Followers: 6331
Birth Date: May 6, 1994
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Interested In: Men, Women
Location: Europe
Last Broadcast: 6 days ago
Language(s): English
Smoke / Drink: Sometimes both
Body Decorations: Piercing and tattoos

Stand At Attention While Chilicheesebite Is On DeckStand At Attention While Chilicheesebite Is On Deck


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