Antonia_savatto Is Looking Beautiful In Only A Beanie


Credit must be given to Antonia_savatto for being able to rock a beanie even though she raises the temperature of every room she’s in by at least six degrees. Though it might explain why she wears nothing else but that beanie.

Possible contribution to the warming of the planet aside, the beauty in a beanie let the world into her corner of the web for a night that will be remembered for some time to come as she let everyone in on a night full of fun.
One might even say a fistfull of fun.

As one can always expect of this sexy skateboarder with a knack for photography, all the right angles, and all the right places, were hit. And lucky for the world, it was done before any lasting damage to the ice caps could happen.Antonia_savatto Is Looking Beautiful In Only A BeanieAntonia_savatto Is Looking Beautiful In Only A BeanieAntonia_savatto Is Looking Beautiful In Only A BeanieA fun fact about Antonia_savatto:

“One of my favorite hobbies is riding a skateboard.”

Antonia_savatto Is Looking Beautiful In Only A BeanieAntonia_savatto Is Looking Beautiful In Only A Beanie

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