StaggStreet: A Misti Dawn Vintage Start


There’s a strong vintage, old timey-wimey atmosphere in this cute set that puts together for the first time Misti Dawn and Stagg Street.

That’s probably something to do with the suit Misti wears – briefly – or more with the way the corner she poses in is furnished, with house accessories that we’ve not seen for a time, but it does give a “good ol’ times” feel that has its charme.

Misti herself has a nice round body that brings to mind the classic pinups of the fifties, with splendid colorful traditional tattoos that contrast very well with her porcelain skin and her fiery red hair.

I wanna see even more!

Stagg Street writes:

Misti is in my Award winning book, Dirty Girl Collection. This set is from our first shoot together. She remind me of a sexy, dirty version of Wilma and Betty from the Flintstones. You have to love a red head covered in tattoos.

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