PixiePixelized, The Queen Of Seduction


This is the first time I’ve seen PixiePixelized in months and I haven’t been this excited since Despacito came out. This beautiful short haired blonde is one of my favorite models of all time, not just because of her unquestionable beauty, but because of her seduction skills and the way she can make absolutely everything sexy. PixiePixelized is doing butthole spanks (not butt spanks, butthole spanks!) right now and she’s talking dirty to her audience, raising the collective blood pressure of the over five thousand users watching her right now!

PixiePixelized is a tantric goddess of love, as she styles herself, and I fully agree. She can put you in a trance with the utmost ease – just follow her fingers and see where they lead you. PixiePixelized will guide you through the ritual, but you’ll be happy before, during and after, I promise.

PixiePixelized, The Queen Of Seduction
Sexy Cam Girl writes:

Sup, I’m Pixie. Tantric goddess of love and light all about good vibrations and sensual sensations.

I’m back from hiatus! I left my home in August 2017 and drove across the country to Oregon for the Solar Eclipse. I’ve been on the road ever since, periodically popping online when I had a space all to myself, which was so rare.

I traveled the entire West Coast from Vancouver down to SoCal. I’ve learned so much about sacred sexuality, tantric energy, love, and pleasure. I’m sooo stoked to share with you all.

I have remembered I am love and I am light. I hope I can remind you all that the same truths exist within you.

PixiePixelized, The Queen Of Seduction
PixiePixelized, The Queen Of Seduction
PixiePixelized, The Queen Of Seduction
PixiePixelized, The Queen Of Seduction

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