EmerieJay And Friends Are Unconventional Conventionists


EmerieJae is at the Sexpo convention in Australia right now, with her tits out while she sucks on a purple dildo pop. The pop almost matches her hair and she is enjoying sliding it in and out of her mouth erotically, or holding it in her mouth with fantastic suction. Her very huge tits are out, with little pasties on them. Of course, she isn’t the only girl there, and a few friends are milling about the booth hanging out and playing with her a bit, in various states of nudity and with toys in hands. One wonders what else might occur as this show goes on.

Join EmerieJae in her channel and get a taste of what visiting a hot Australian adult entertainment expo is like, it is the next best thing to being there!

EmerieJay And Friends Are Unconventional Conventionists
Sexy Cam Girl writes:

I’m Emrie. People here might call me Nez, Em or a bunch of other things.

My room is full of games, prizes, laughs & drinks.
Feel free to jump in at any time and introduce yourself. We love to make new friends, and I love to learn more about you all!

When I’m not on MFC or working, I like to play games, fiddle with code, explore the great outdoors or read.
You can play WoW, BD:O, Minecraft, ESO or many other Steam games with me by tipping for my Discord below!

I’m really weird, our room is pretty weird too. You’ve been forewarned.
I only do privates with regulars or club members.

EmerieJay And Friends Are Unconventional Conventionists

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