Hands down the most amazing freak of them all is Kota_Morgue. I share her obsession with body mods, everything morbid, and just bizarre. Put that aside, she’s a super chilled out chick with a sick sense of humor. And by sick, I mean both: literally and figuratively speaking. So even if you do get spooked by her you need to give her a view for her shows are an absolute blast. Today is no different. Kota_Morgue‘s been chilling out and showing off her charms. Her body is covered in tats making it all the more amazing. She doesn’t just do any regular spanking (she does that as well with a paddle, HARD) she takes a dummy hand and spanks herself with it. She hasn’t started with the cum show yet and you’ll want to be there when she does. Kota_Morgue doesn’t half ass anything so you know it’ll be quite an experience.
Sky, 24.chameleon, leather crafter, and cam model since 2010. creep for lifee.