CrazyBabe Erica Smith is gonna take you for a crazy ride


To be quite honest I’m a bit lost for words for this CrazyBabe set! Strangely enough, I mean that in a very good way. The model, Erica, is quite an interesting character. This photoset feels like a few sets in one, all featuring our raven-haired babe. She’s going from posing fearlessly in the nude in a hotel room, finding a female buddy in the hallway and participating in some homoerotic playtime, crazy drunk-and-willing socialite at a cocktail bar, to playing with knives (erotically!) in a bathroom. Now I’m sure this makes close to zero sense but trust me: it’ll all make, well, not much more sense, as you view the photos. It won’t matter, though: the photos are so wonderfully raw and insane you’ll be sucked into Erica’s eventful evening regardless. She’s a perfect mate for a night out you’ll regret the following morning…

CrazyBabe writes:

Erika Smith at her Apt. in NYC East Village

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