Razor Candi sure has some wonderful ways to unwind after a long day. In this set, we get to see some drinkin’ and a little self lovin’ after a long night out at a gig and one thing is for sure- I need to start hanging out at bars more. This set is all about Razor Candi taking her clothes off, and by the end of it she’s left with shoes, a butt plug, and wrist cuffs. Can you get much better? But take a second to look at those pictures below (Once your finished listing to me fan girl!) and look at those legs. And those shoes <3
The fact is, this set is full of so many good pictures I had a hard time deciding which to let you see. Razor Candi is, of course, hot- but she’s also a very talented model who clearly knows exactly what poses will make her look rockin’
A fitting name for this set since the idea behind the scenario is pretty simple: Just a single punk chick who stumbles back to her hotel room, wasted, after a night out at a gig. After returning home I’m feeling the need to keep my buzz going with yet more alcohol. As I’m hitting my climax of inebriation I’m also feeling the need to hit the climax of ecstasy to end the perfect night. Hope you enjoy watching me strip out of my skimpy studded gear in both this photo set and video