GodsGirls: Anastassia Wants To Throw The Hottest Halloween Party


Anastassia looks absolutely stunning in this thematic photoshooting.  It seems that she prepared herself for a hot Halloween party worthy of your attention. And don’t worry, you’re already invited! You just put on your favorite costume and you’re half way there. Just picture Anastassia in an “All Natural” state just waiting to devour you. I mean look at those amazing red eyes and those nice perky breasts that puts any guy in his place. But this Night Beauty is willing to get rid of all her bats just to satisfy your needs. From her lovely pale skin I figure that Anastassia is the only vampire you would want to encounter.

GodsGirls: Anastassia Wants To Throw The Hottest Halloween

GodsGirls writes:
Name: Anastassia
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Relationship Status: Single Sexy Orientation: StraightmOccupation: Full time model/cosplayer/crafter Location: Texas Hometown: Alderaan Sign: Pisces
About Me:
Why Im a GodsGirl: Because GodsGirls are sexy, smart, and full of personality. They may have pretty faces but that isn’t all there is… They’ve got soul!
Superhero Power: Boob missiles
Sexual fantasy: To be alone with myself – I know what I want better than anyone else.
Weapon of Choice: I can kill you with my brain.
Hobbies: Video games, cleaning, reading, walks with the pup, interneting
Music: Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Ohgr, LCD Sound System, Tycho, Asking Alexandria, Death Cab for Cutie, Shpongle, ATB, The Beatles, CCR, Hank Williams
Movies: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, God Bless America, The Craft, The Rescuers, Disney (the old stuff), Serenity, Star Wars, Harry Potter, and so much more!
Goals: I want to be surrounded by puppies and kittens while being hand fed white chocolate covered strawberries and watching Dr. Who
Bedtime attire: I’m all skin, baby
Nerdy Secret Pleasure: Lookin’ for love in Alderaan places!
My Favorite GodsGirls: Misty, Lauren, Skin, Apneatic, Ireland, Vex
Unicorn or Pegasus?: Pegasus, who sprang from the blood of his mother Medusa’s neck
if Patrick Duffy was shooting lazers at you how would you defend yourself? : Call upon a horde of Daleks

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