If you can handle disapproving looks from stuffed animals then you could do a lot worse than checking out Katy Davis, the 19 year old with the bob haircut dances like no one is watching, certainly not a chatroom full of someones anyway.
Watching her this evening I was getting a little hypnotized, but definitely not sleepy. Katy has an elfin face and some impressive body art, so much that I was finding it hard to pick my favorite. If pushed I’d say it was either the huge portrait of the goddess Kali on her thigh, or the musical notes coming from her inside of her underwear.
Go watch her dance for a little while, just don’t let the withering stare of the elephant bother you too much.
Real Name: katy
Followers: 6282
Birth Date: June 6, 1997
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Interested In: Men, Women, Trans, Couples
Location: heaven