GodsGirls: Lily Rose acts hot and sexy behind a purple curtain


Sometimes Goddesses are born on earth. They take on the appearance of hot women with blonde hair that fool around in their bedroom. Not only do these wonders of nature bring a giant smile on some people’s faces. But they even warm my heart every time I see them. I found great beauty in GodsGirls Lily-Rose. She’s a lustful blonde with a gorgeous body, that most men might crave for. It seems that she’s having a great afternoon. Maybe she just woke up from a hot and sweaty night, and then she decided to show us what exactly what we’ve missed. Or maybe she enjoys people who look at her. The thing is she just plays around in her bed, touching her mouthwatering breasts, and expressing a marvelous smile. Lily-Rose has a gallant movement and she turns on all her sides. Her buttocks is the piece of resistance. It looks like two perfect sized bowling balls are standing next to each other, waiting for the right man to pick them up. And that juicy pussy of hers… I could lick on it all day. She adds mystery to her body when she stands behind a purple curtain. But not for long. She probably knows that I want her, so she immediately puts on a “just kidding” face with showing her tongue and her two piercings. I wouldn’t mind tasting that as well.

GodsGirls writes:

Name Lillie-Rose
Age 23
Gender female
Relationship Status Single
Sexy Orientation Bisexual
Occupation Hairdresser
Location Adelaide, South Australia
Sign Taurus
About Me
I’m a short dorky 23 year old with an unhealthy addiction to twix bars and masturbating. Hai! I’m Lillie c:
Why Im a GodsGirl
A bit of inspiration, a bit of self love, a bit of flirting with naked Goddesses and a new community of sweet lil cupcake babies to make friends with c:
Superhero Power Tetris-ing all the food into the freezer and slamming the door shut so it falls out on someone else
Sexual fantasy A threesome with two kinky girls and maybe a strapon!
Weapon of Choice Kindness
Hobbies Burritos, pizza, pop punk, star wars and making out.
Music Alternative
Movies Horror, Thriller, Gore, and nerdy as fuck.
Books Everything, literally.
Nerdy Secret Pleasure None of those are secret! Gimme alla da nerdy things


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