Drunk Kitten Pumpkin Spice Wants to Fuck


Pumpkin Spice is wearing white kitten ears and Daddy’s Girl panties. Pumpkin Spice is doing shots. She says she gets “so slutty” when she drinks and she just wants to get fucked so bad. She is alternating between talking dirty while touching herself and sharing her opinions on rap music. Pumpkin Spice is not a big fan of Kanye, but she loves Biggie. Here is a Pumpkin Spice original rap:

“My name is Pumpkin
I’ll give you a blumpkin
If we ain’t humpin'”

You can see Pumpkin Spice rap and masturbate more, if you create a free profile tonight.

Sexy Cam Girl writes:

Username: PumpkinSpice_
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Hazel
Weight: 1337 pounds
Height: 62 inches
Age: 81
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Occasional
Drugs: Never
Occupation/Major: Being a cat
Favorite Food: Pasta ^.^
Pets: Kitty named Delilah
Automobile: Evo lancer(soon to be)
Tags: addictive, Gamer, Petite, nerd, funny, kawaii, Adorable, Kinky, shy, funny, video games, Young, nice ass, small tits, feet, otaku, anime, Teen, perky, Submissive, Dorky, big eyes, natural, smart, dancer, tight, Tattoo, Body mods, Bad girl, hentai, nerd, GILF
Favorite Models: SugaryBunny
Perfect Mate: I love smart men, you talk tech or numbers to me you will have me dripping.
Perfect Date: A moon light walk on the beach <3 Best Reason to Get to Know Me: I am not like most females on this site, i love conversation if you are interesting. I also am a good person to talk to and listen very well if you are having problems. I am really fun to. DUH i play video games too often XD

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