RazorCandi: Razor Takes It Up The Punx


Do you like punk chicks? Do mohawks turn you on? Well, good news, everyone! Razor Candi went all the way –in more ways than one– with her set Up the Punkx and trust us, it doesn’t get any more punk than that! Oh, an more good news! This also includes a delicious video to go along with it.

Dressed in all white with a mile high hawk and only a sofa as the backdrop, Razor has some stripping fun, teasing her nipples and shaking that perfect ass of hers in our faces. After showing us how delicious her pussy looks from behind, she decides it’s time to bring out the big guns and as accustomed by Miss Razor, we get some pretty fun shots of her using a buttplug toy on herself and truly enjoying it.

Whether you decide to head over to Razor Candi to check out the video or the photoset –I encourage you to check both out just for the angle variety!– we can guarantee that you’ll have a good time watching Razor taking up the punx… So to speak.

Razor Candi writes:

Figuratively speaking the set name says it all! Despite my great lengths to prove my punkyness with my towering Mohawk and DIY clothing you’ll soon find out why I chose the name as you make your way through the set 😉 Though Shadowalker and She’s A Killer were published on RazorCandi.com before this set, Up The Punx was actually my first photo set shot stepping back into my deathrock wardrobe which is why I went for a white version of my usual head to toe black outfits which were typical in my past deathrock styles, in a way it’s my rebirth to deathrock! I really hope members enjoy this set because I sure would like to do more erotic deathrock work, I for one don’t think there is enough of it out there!

RazorCandi: Razor Is Up The Punx

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