Feature: Interview with RazorCandi


RazorCandi has been a sexy Gothic style icon and internationally recognized alternative model for as long as I can remember. If our scene had celebrities, I think that nobody would argue that she’s among the elite. I really can’t think of too many other people who embody the creative ideals and stylishly adventurous sexuality that AltPorn aspires to than she does. We’ve been big fans for a long time and we love her ultra-cool solo site RazorCandi.com, as well as her entertaining personal blog RazorCandi.net

How did you get started modeling?

Gothic Beauty RazorCandiI found an interest in modeling when I was about 16 years old. In my opinion modeling was and still remains a very artistic way of self expression. It became very tiresome and upsetting to create these get ups that I would end up washing down the drain at the end of the day, I felt that I did not use my ideas to their full potential. When I decorate myself there is something more to it than just the clothing and the make up. I discovered photos went hand in hand with my styling ideas; photographs are a great way to capture emotion, to create art with the face and body, this completed my look. As a result my interest in modeling was born and I went from there, contacting photographers who might have been interested in working with visually expressive people and also taking any opportunity to work with photographers who contacted me.

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Do you have any fashion or hair tips for how other models might try to do up their style as extravagantly as you do? What sorts of things lead you to learn how to make your hair and makeup dramatic so well?

I’ve always been a very artistic and visual person so I’ve been deeply inspired by influential artists, musicians, actresses and so on. Though I am licensed in Cosmetology I did not by any means learn how to do the make up and hair styles that I do, granted that I did learn a lot of helpful tips and tricks do not be fooled, you still must have an imagination. My best advice is practice, with practice you gain experience. A lot of the hair and make up I’ve done were just playing around and seeing what resulted from it. It is no question that my styling has improved over the years; this is all due to experience and keeping your mind open to all styles. Don’t be afraid to try new things and let your influences and imagination do the rest.

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Who are some of your favorite photographers?

My favorite photographers I have worked with are Joe Traina, MojoKiss, my very own twin sister Eden Prosper and of course my husband, Bodo Janos Attila. Favorite photographers I’d love to work with are PUNKassPHOTOS, Viona, Amelia G and Forest Black, MrsKorback, Dan Santoso, Casey Curry, RedRum Collaboration and many more.

Who are some of your favorite fellow models?

I’m not even sure they count as models because they are much more than that but I really enjoy Defenz Mechanizm, Parish Dignam, Eden Muse, Shannon Chromegirl, Roxy Contin, Zephyr Elf and Sean Wild Child (and many more) because they are all extremely creative people who for the most part do their own styling and create their own outfits. They have created a persona, their own image, and they stand out as individuals. They bring so much vibrancy and art to the alternative scene. In addition to their amazing skills and brilliant appearances they are very friendly people and I think that is very important.

Where has your work been featured?

RazorCandi Model Covers
Drop Dead Magazine
Volume 0 – 2005

Drop Dead Magazine
cover – Volume 1 – 2006

Imago Magazine – Canada
The Marriage Issue – September 2007

Gothic Magazine – cover
Issue 61 – Germany – July 2008

Dark Spy Magazine – center fold – Germany
November 2008

Dark Spy Magazine – cover
Germany – January 2009

Gothic Magazine – poster
Issue 64 – Germany – 2009

Alt NOIR Magazine
Issue 3 – Summer/Fall ’09

Gothica Magazine – cover
Issue 12 – Ukraine – October 2009

Unscene Magazine – cover
Issue 8- UK – May 2010

Auxiliary Magazine
June/July Issue 2010

Carpe Nocturne Magazine
Volume 1 – Issue 2 – Summer 2010

I actually don’t keep track of the sites I am on but recently I’ve joined BlueBlood.com. I feel this will allow me to take my modeling to a new level.

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

Gothic Beauty RazorCandi

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