Check Out HitGirls Magazine – Spanish Speaking Alt-Culture


Some enthusiastic friends of APN have started a cool new independent alt-culture e-zine called HITGIRLS ( that I’ve really enjoyed checking out lately. It’s built for Spanish-speaking readers and fans, celebrating alternative cultural interests like music, art, gaming, Cosplay, and other entertaining fun stuff, with a particular focus on some sexy alt-erotica and the people who participate in making it. There are some reall sexy photo layouts on there too. I love that I can look at the site in Chrome and it even auto translates for me. I’m sure it’s even better if you can read the original text, but what a wonderful world we live in where I can read cool blogs in languages I don’t even speak yet. HITGIRLS mag already has correspondents and contributors from Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, Paraguay, Chile, and Costa Rica. And, they even have an associated online radio show that goes along with the magazine, where they debate the cultural issues of the day.

hitgirls magazine spanish speaking al-culture zine

hitgirls magazine spanish speaking al-culture zine

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