RazorCandi: Razor Candi Flaunts A Lickety Split


Ah, crotchless panties… My favorite garment in all of history. Whomever invented them gets my thanks and the thanks from the thousands of Razor Candi fans from all over the globe since thanks to them we get Lickety Split, one of her new updates. This is a very natural set compared to some of Razor’s material, no props except herself, clad in luscious lingerie and jewelry. A tad more demure in a way, until you get to the crotchless panties, that is.

Lickety Split is a mix of retro classy and modern day body mod extravaganza, you know that with Razor Candi anything is possible! Her perfectly toned body is more than enough to make that outfit look like a million bucks, but none the less we end up with a sensuous stripped Razor who then makes naked seem high fashion.

There are multiple poses where you have to assume that Razor Candi is definitely not human, but in other frames she looks sweet and soft. I don’t think I can make this set justice by describing it, so you should head there and see it yourself. You’ll understand the dichotomy of saying ‘soft’ and ‘Razor Candi’ in the same sentence.

RazorCandi: Razor Candi Flaunts A Lickety Split
Razor Candi writes:

Going for a soft and natural look for this set I thought I’d direct this one a little toward a moded beauty type of style. Showing off my natural canvas adorned with eye catching extreme mods and jewelry like my stretched lobs, large facial jewelry and horn necklace I really wanted to capture the spirit of what contrast is really about. I’ve always found pretty styles coupled with extreme mods to be an interested combination. I hope you will think so too!

RazorCandi: Razor Candi Flaunts A Lickety Split

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